So our trees have been up for a few weeks now. Lexi's tree has been well decorated since day one, but our big tree.... not so much! Basically has only had a couple flowers, and the lights. We haven't been able to find our ornaments. Well, Topher came to the rescue!! He found our missing Christmas Box!!!
This morning, I snuck downstairs, and caught our little elf decorating the tree for us!!
He found our pretty red and silver bulbs!
And Placed them all over the tree!
He also found our silver bulbs and gifts, and also placed them all over the tree!
Wow! Our tree looks AMAZING!!!
He also found Lexi's Reindeer and brought them into the tree as well!
When Lexi woke up this morning, she was SO excited to see the tree all decorated!!!
And was also super excited to see Christopher in the tree as well!
All ready for Christmas now!!